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Mission, Vision & Core Values 

Our Mission Statement:

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19)

Our Vision:

To set the captives free, build believers and empower men and women to take territories  for the Kingdom of God.

Our Core Values:


  • Our main priority as a church individually and corporately.
  • Every member can be involved in some way.
  • Regular seasons of prayer and fasting for territorial possession.
  • Regular teaching and seminars on prayer.
  • Long-term vision to build a 24/7 house of prayer.


  • To build strong disciples through regular teaching and strategic seminars throughout the year.
  • Developing Discipleship groups for prayer, teaching, fellowship and friendship.
  • Encouraging every attender to be regular and faithful in all the above.


  • Obeying the call of Jesus to be His witnesses and to take the gospel into every segment of society.
  • Regular outreach: 
    a. Street evangelism.
    b. Door to door evangelism.
    c. Motivating every believer to share their faith on a regular basis.
  • Regular input throughout the year from world-class and gifted evangelists. 


  • Planting and supporting churches in Britain and abroad.
  • Regular mission trips to church plants and relational contacts across the globe.
  • Mobilising every believer to be involved in mission through prayer, financial giving and participation in mission trips.