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Making disciples is one of the core values at NLCCI and we teach that discipleship is a lifelong commitment to follow God with your whole self, to learn and eventually teach others about how to follow Him.

The Christian faith isn’t a matter of human effort or intellectual belief; it’s a supernatural reality of the Spirit’s work in your life, and discipleship is an existing journey leading to spiritual maturity in your relationship with Jesus.

It’s Jesus’ game plan that disciples create disciples who, in turn, create more disciples. So, if you are wondering how you can progress as a disciple, then join us at NLCCI where you can learn the Spiritual practices and disciplines demonstrated by the Lord Jesus and His disciples.

Discipleship groups meet in multiple locations, studying the word, praying, fellowshipping, eating, introducing others to Christ and helping them to grow and connecting them to church for further knowledge, as was the Apostles’ doctrine (Acts 2:42).