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What Our Students Say

A word from the students:

THEO SNOWDON – School Teacher

I’ve attended Bible School for two terms, and I write to encourage you to consider coming yourself. What I like about the school is that it is designed to be practical: the provision (lesson content) is geared to build up your faith and understanding, so that you can become a more positive contributor to your church. Like the good news itself, the course is for anyone. The work you must do is achievable and not a burden to those who have busy lives.

SIMON JEAN-MARIE – Pastor at Destiny House Int

Many times, as Jesus and the Disciples travelled by boat across the waters, He taught them great truths. For me Bible School was like this: the sea of life continues to billow as we’re brought to maturity in our faith – in both knowledge and its application. But the excitement of stepping out onto the water like Peter and experiencing the miraculous becomes more and more a reality as profound truths are laid plain for all to grasp.


Why am I doing this?” I must have asked myself this question a thousand times during my two years at New Life Bible School. Because of my job, I could only attend Bible School in the evenings and did so two evenings week, not including study time. There were times I wanted to quit but by God’s grace, I ran the race. So why did I do it? The answer is that I wanted to know more about God and His Character. And through it God has improved and reshaped my character. Thank you, Lord, and thank you New Life Bible School!